
GenScale (Scalable Optimized and Parallel Algorithms for Genomics) is a bioinformatics research team. It focuses on methodological research at the interface between computer science and genomic. The main objective of the group is the design of scalable, optimized and parallel algorithms for processing the huge amount of genomic data generated by the recent advances of biotechnologies.

GenScale research activities cover the following domains:

Next generation Sequencing (NGS)

  • Fast and low memory fingerprint assembly
  • Variant extraction on raw data (without assembly)
  • Mapping

High throughput sequence analysis

  • Bank to bank comparison
  • Metagenomic sample processing

3D Protein structures

  • Comparison, classification
  • Conformation extraction from NMR data

Bioinformatics workflows

  • Graphical capture
  • Parallel processing (cluster, cloud)

This pure computer science activity is maintained with strong collaboration with life science research groups on challenging genomic projects.


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